When in doubt, call in the experts
It’s important to feel in control of what’s happening in our lives. Whether that’s at work, as a parent, even doing the weekly shop or preparing dinner just the way we like it.
The trouble is, even though we have fairly established ideas of how we want things done, we can also be guilty of overestimating our own abilities. As an entrepreneur, I know that there have been times when I’ve wanted to control everything that happened in the business - to my own detriment as well as that of the company. In reality it’s usually when I’ve been stressed and trying to give myself an illusion of control, not when it’s been a strategic choice.
It’s not that I’m not capable of (deep breath in): doing the finances; making new hires; pitching for business; running coaching workshops; formulating marketing strategies; organising office maintenance; dealing with contractors and all the other things that go into running a successful business, like answering the phone and making a mean cup of coffee (now exhale). It’s just that years of experience have forced me to acknowledge that I’m not always the best person for these jobs.
Fortunately, there are an array of experts out there who are able and willing to share their experience with the rest of us and in doing so, help everything to run more smoothly, both at home and in the workplace.
Over time, I’ve come to accept the benefit of leaving certain things to the experts - wherever possible the best in their field - not just at work but in my personal life too. For example, I’m no more likely to plumb in a washing machine than I am to cut my own hair. In fact, years of going to the wrong hairstylist and attempting - unsuccessfully - to straighten my naturally curly hair taught me the importance of finding the right person for the job, even if that costs a few extra pounds.
At work, I rely on a team of specialists who are helping me to grow the business whilst seriously reducing my stress levels into the bargain. Here’s how:
Specialists are better at what they do than you are
Think about it this way: you might have a good eye for designing your own artwork and creating images for your website, but an experienced professional will be able to create something really special which makes you stand out from the crowd, probably in half the time it would take you. Last year I hired a VP of Operations to support the growth of Firefly and it’s been transformative. She’s looking at the business in a completely different way and brings skills I can only dream of.
Specialists have knowledge and experience which you can tap into
We all spend our careers mastering different skills, so why not take advantage of that? Experts have a wealth of knowledge, information and experience which would take extensive input and research to replicate. Surely your time is better spent on other things? Our Marketing Director is a whizz on all things Canva, as well as being strategic and able to create a content plan quicker than I can make a cup of coffee. Why would I try and replicate that?
Specialists bring their own network of contacts and opportunities
Most experts have been working in the field for many years, which usually means access to an extensive base of industry contacts which can be useful to you. They also know who to avoid and that can save you time, money and energy.
Specialists make everything more professional
From office design to marketing, advertising and brand identity, it pays to have quality people on your team. Yes, you can probably have a crack at these things yourself, but as your business grows then you need to be ready to scale-up quickly, without compromising on quality. I’ve designed documents in the past, from sales proposals to client training documents. They’re never a patch on what is possible when I involve our graphic designers. Not surprising really!
Specialists free you up to do what you’re best at
Perhaps most importantly, having the right people behind you means you’re free to shine and bring your own particular brand of magic to the fore. If you’re the creative drive behind the business, this means more time to create. For me it’s absolutely key that I focus on doing what only I can do because that’s what brings the sparkle to our business.
“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”
One of the reasons that people are reluctant to bring in experts is because it can seem expensive. In reality, they will ultimately save you money. Let’s go back to the haircut analogy: if you have a haircut that you’re not happy with, or which requires loads of expensive products and styling time, then (if you’re anything like me) you’ll probably be heading back to the salon much sooner than you would if you’d got a great haircut the first time. Top stylists might be more expensive, but in the end they save you money (with the added bonus of improving your self esteem).
It’s no different in a professional environment: bringing in outside help from qualified, experienced experts who you trust means less time and money wasted on failed initiatives or badly-executed projects. Just don’t forget to do your due diligence and check someone’s credentials before paying for their expertise. And I also firmly advocate for making sure that you have the resources in place to support that extended team. You don’t need a whole army when you first start out in business, you just need key support which you can draw on and to start with the mindset that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Start with the end in mind.
I’m pleased to report that thanks to expert input, not only do I now fully embrace my naturally curly hair, but business is also booming. Which means I have more time to do the work that I love - helping others to grow, learn and reach their full potential.