An invitation to go deeper

Self-discovery and growth have always been at the heart of my journey. When I founded The Firefly Group in 2011, I built it on these same foundations—helping leaders and organisations create meaningful change and unlock new possibilities. For over twelve years, we've worked alongside clients, guiding them through transformation and deeper self-awareness.

Coaching has always been one of the most powerful aspects of my work. It’s more than just helping leaders navigate challenges—it’s about creating a space where they feel safe enough to be vulnerable, explore uncertainty, and discover new depths within themselves. Vulnerability in coaching can feel uncomfortable, yet that’s often where the most profound growth happens.

During a recent coaching session with senior leaders, I was moved to capture the courage it takes to go deeper in the form of a poem:

Your Invitation to Go Deep

This is your invitation to go deep today.

Not so deep that you’re scared you can’t breathe and you think you might drown.

Deep enough though, that your feet don’t quite touch the bottom.

Deep enough that you feel that sensation of floating - or is it flying?

Allow yourself to expand into that space.

Trust that you can float and wherever you go, you will be able to come back to shore.

Trust too that you will be held and supported.

Ask for what you need to help you go that bit further.

In allowing ourselves to go deeper, we create room for more - 

More trust, more depth, more connection, more opportunity.

When we stay in the shallows we hold ourselves back.

It may feel safer, but ultimately safety is an illusion, 

designed by our minds who desire the status quo.

Trust yourself today to follow the invitation

Dive deeper.

— Kirsty Star Maynor, January 2025

Coaching is an invitation to embrace vulnerability, to step beyond the familiar, and to trust that even when our feet no longer touch the ground, we are supported. It’s in this space that creativity, collaboration, and courage thrive. Time and again, I’ve seen the transformative impact of this approach on the individuals and teams I work with, and I’m grateful for every opportunity to support them on their journey.

If you feel you need additional support, whether through mental health services or executive coaching, please reach out to a qualified professional. Asking for help is part of going deeper.

Kirsty Maynor


Kirsty Maynor is a sought-after experienced leadership and executive coach, and successful entrepreneur.

She’s received multiple awards, including the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. She’s also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Professional Certified Coach and a Dare to Lead™ Certified Facilitator.

She’s dedicated her professional life to helping others grow, learn, and realise their potential. Through her business, The Firefly Group, she’s delivered cutting edge development to senior leaders of the NHS, Sky, Skyscanner, JP Morgan and Scottish Government.

...and she never believed it was possible.

She wants to teach you how to accomplish the impossible too.


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