What you get when I sit beside you.

It’s been a week of recognising and validating some of my recent professional achievements, and it struck me that my clients don’t always know who sits beside them. I rarely share my background or biography, my successes and challenges, and yet every minute of my life informs the way I sit next to you and work with you to help you grow. 

So here is some of what you get…

You get all of me - for the sake of all of you.

You get someone who cares and who wants you to live a bigger and more fulfilling life than you ever thought was possible.

You get someone who has walked the walk and deals with her own demons and internal stuff on a daily basis; someone who has had over 9 years of coaching and 9 years of therapy over the last 20 years.

You get someone who knows herself, will always be learning and yet never ceases to surprise herself. 

You get someone who loves you - yes loves you, as her client and who will never forget the time we have spent together and the progress you have made.

You get someone who deeply knows what matters to her - and yet can sometimes lose sight of that in the clutter of everyday life.

You get someone who is brave and who also gets scared; someone who will push the boundaries for the sake of a bigger purpose; someone who will take a risk where her instincts tell her it’s worth it.

You get someone who listens with their whole being - head, heart, gut and soul; who’s learned that each can offer her something as she travels with you.

You get someone who has studied how to help people learn, how to create safe space for people, how to challenge them without breaking them; how to help and support them as they apply the learning - both when they succeed and when they fail.

You get someone who knows from experience over the last 20 years how individual learning, growth and development creates change in teams, organisations and wider systems. 

You get some who has been helping people to learn about their own inner leader for the last 25 years - from all walks of life and in all kinds of settings.

You get someone who has felt the sense of loss that’s often required to feel the sense of a gain.

You get someone who has invested over two years of their life in a Masters Degree on organisational behaviour; plus over 400 hours of learning how to coach individuals, groups and teams.

You get someone who shed tears, laughed lots, and faced her biggest fear of trusting people through the 10 month CTI co-active leadership programme; someone who sat in a room in the mountains in the USA as 20 others told her how she fails as a leader and used that to fuel her forward growth.

You get someone who is deeply curious, who wants to get to know you without judgement, to see the sparkle at your core and to help it shine more.

You get someone who will listen to you with the most tender attention and will hold what you share - in the words and in between - with care and compassion.

You get someone who lives her life to high ethical standards, who honours her clients and who strives to make coaching a more credible and meaningful profession.

So as I sit beside you, you get it all - even what you don’t see.

I am your partner in this adventure called life, and I am deeply proud to be a Professionally Certified Coach (PCC) - and, more importantly, I am proud to be me.

What do you get when I sit beside you?

You get it all, even what you dont see.

Kirsty Maynor


Kirsty Maynor is a sought-after experienced leadership and executive coach, and successful entrepreneur.

She’s received multiple awards, including the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. She’s also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Professional Certified Coach and a Dare to Lead™ Certified Facilitator.

She’s dedicated her professional life to helping others grow, learn, and realise their potential. Through her business, The Firefly Group, she’s delivered cutting edge development to senior leaders of the NHS, Sky, Skyscanner, JP Morgan and Scottish Government.

...and she never believed it was possible.

She wants to teach you how to accomplish the impossible too.


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