“I don’t even own concealer…!”

This was my statement, apropos of nothing on the car journey to school the week before this site went live. As might be expected, with no context or precursor conversation, my 15 year-old daughter Scarlet replied ‘Huh?’

“I don’t even own concealer!” I repeated. “And if I go live with KirstyMaynor.com people will see my pictures, and they'll say nasty things about the bags under my eyes. I’m not sleeping great, it’s a pandemic, and I’ve got bags under my eyes. I don’t even own concealer!”

With the quick-minded directness of a 15 year-old, Scarlet looked at me sideways and said “Well, it’s not as if you’re world-renowned anyway.'“ Count on a teenager for a level set when you need it. Just as I was starting to draw breath and realising that she might have a point, she then also quickly added to her Brownie points by saying “And if they’re saying that it’s just because they haven’t got anything else to do. Plus, if they’re looking at your eyes it’s because you have nice eyes.”

Crisis averted, thanks to Scarlet (and thank you for the compliment).

So here’s the thing, the site is live, I still don’t own concealer. I still have bags under my eyes and I launched the site anyway - because ultimately my mission was bigger than my fear of being judged. I am not perfect, I will never be perfect, but I can still create change. So if there’s something getting in the way for you, like not owning concealer, don’t let it. Find your own Scarlet, be your own Scarlet, but take the steps regardless.

Kirsty Maynor


Kirsty Maynor is a sought-after experienced leadership and executive coach, and successful entrepreneur.

She’s received multiple awards, including the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. She’s also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Professional Certified Coach and a Dare to Lead™ Certified Facilitator.

She’s dedicated her professional life to helping others grow, learn, and realise their potential. Through her business, The Firefly Group, she’s delivered cutting edge development to senior leaders of the NHS, Sky, Skyscanner, JP Morgan and Scottish Government.

...and she never believed it was possible.

She wants to teach you how to accomplish the impossible too.


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