Dream Big
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
If you’ve read my other blogs or subscribe to my weekly newsletter, you’ll probably already know that for the past couple of years, I've been writing a book. It’s still a work in progress because although the manuscript is technically finished, there’s loads to do - like editing, meetings with my publisher, promotional activities, author headshots and fun things like choosing the design for the cover - before the official launch in October. ‘Official launch’ - just writing those words gives me goosebumps! Which brings me nicely to the topic of this blog: why it’s important to dream big.
My journey to a completed manuscript has been a long one - in fact, it began in 2012 with a different book entirely, but that’s another story! Since then, there have been so many times when other things got in the way of my progress: change happened, life threw me some curveballs, and sometimes, other things simply took priority. Which is probably one of the reasons why, ultimately, my earlier ideas and inspiration for the book have evolved into something completely different.
During that time, I also put a huge amount of work into learning what makes for a really good book; distilling my thoughts and ideas, and improving my writing skills. As a result, I’m really proud of what I’ve produced because I took the time to drill down and think about what people need, what I wanted to share, and how I could communicate it in a way that was accessible, relatable and compelling for the reader.
For me, it all started with a few small baby steps, writing a little bit at a time (not every day, not all day, sometimes not even every week or month), but I held onto my dream and kept taking action towards it. Today, something that seemed like a dream just a few years ago has turned into reality - my book is written and almost ready for launch! But I’m still making changes, working hard to create something that people want to share with their friends and say, “Oh my goodness, you need to read this book. It's amazing! It's really helped me with the change that I'm facing in my life.”
I hope this story inspires you to do the same, not necessarily by writing a book (although if that’s what you want, then go for it!), but simply by daring to dream big for yourself. Even if your dreams seem wildly, outrageously impossible, I want to invite you to start to believe that they can come true. If you had told me ten years ago that I would be launching my book this October, I would probably have laughed, because it wasn’t until I started to imagine what could be possible, that I really allowed my dream to become real. So I’m still dreaming big. I invite you to dare to do the same.