What’s your focus for 2024?
“Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine!”
As you may already know, I don’t subscribe to new year’s resolutions, but I do think it’s important to set a theme for each year, because it helps me to plot a course for the year ahead and welcome new experiences into my life. Last year, my theme was “love”, and this year, it’s “moon-shine”. I’ll probably return to this theme throughout the year, but really it’s all about wanting to be bright, bold, strong and powerful, whilst also acknowledging the seasonal, cyclical, nature of things, and allowing things to happen with ease.
Another thing I like to do each January is to spend some time thinking about where to focus my attention for the coming year.
One of the ways I do this is by thinking of my life as a photograph, then asking myself,
Where is my current focus?
What’s in the frame?
What’s in the foreground, and what’s in the background?
What changes would I like to make to the picture?
Fortunately, we get to edit our own photos, and even if we can’t always decide what’s in the frame, we can choose where to focus our attention to help us act more intentionally.
Last year was a big year for me; the foreground was dominated by getting my new book, Untangled, into the world, growing the business and making sure my daughter was settled at university. This was all positive change, but it also meant that looking after myself was one of the things that faded into the background.
This year, I want to move self care back into the foreground, which I plan to do in four ways:
Bringing more music into my life
Moving my body more
Making more meaningful connections
I’ve already signed up to a musical theatre fitness class at the gym, so I’m off to a strong start!
Think about what your theme might be for 2024, and which elements of your life you want to move into the foreground, then spend some time focusing your attention on how you’re going to make that happen.