Training with Brené Brown part III: what participants can expect from Dare to Lead™ training
“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.”
I get so many requests for more information about the Dare to Lead™ course, that this post is probably long overdue. It’s the final part in my series of blogs about training with Brené Brown. In part 1, I talked about how I was first introduced to Brené’s work and my journey to becoming a Dare to Lead™ facilitator. Part 2 delves into what I’ve learned as a facilitator of the course, and how it now forms such an important part of my training and development work.
In this post, I’ll be looking more closely at what participants can expect from Dare to Lead™, including some of the core course content and key takeaways. Hopefully, this will provide a bit of insight into what Dare to Lead™ is all about, and help you to decide whether this course is for you. Essentially, Dare to Lead™ teaches that you can achieve daring leadership by mastering 4 key skillsets, and by the end of the course, I’ll make sure that you have them nailed.
The 4 key Dare to Lead™ skillsets:
1. Rumbling with vulnerability
In the words of Brené Brown, “you can’t get to courage without rumbling with vulnerability”. It really refers to allowing yourself to be vulnerable in your interactions with other people; showing up, even when you don’t know what the outcome will be. In terms of leadership, this might mean being willing to have the difficult conversations, providing honest feedback and avoiding people-pleasing. It’s not comfortable, so we need to discover how to choose courage over comfort and allow ourselves to be brave and be seen.
2. Living into our values
This starts with identifying the values that are most important to you, then trying to be true to them by learning to recognise the behaviours that reflect those values (and those that don’t). Courageous leadership means knowing when - and how - to act on those values and make decisions that honour them, which isn’t always easy. Two of my most important values are courage and authenticity, and I’ve learned to incorporate both of these into my work with other people as well as in my day-to-day life. You might already know your core values. In the course we get really specific and identify behaviours that mean you are aligned with your values and behaviours that mean you are likely to be heading out of integrity.
3. BRAVING Trust
The third skillset is a super powerful acronym for trust BRAVING (Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgement and Generosity). We look at self-trust, trust with others and trust on teams. By using the acronym you can become really clear on what’s actually causing any trust breakdowns and how to have the conversations to fix them. Trust goes hand-in-hand with vulnerability and also means owning your mistakes, but don’t worry - during the course you’ll learn how to embrace courage over comfort in order to develop more trust in your personal and professional relationships.
4. Learning to rise
Courageous leadership also means being able to choose our responses and show ourselves compassion when things don’t go as planned. If we are brave, we will fall and this skillset helps you to know how to get back up again when you fall. Like learning to ski - you need to know how to get back up again so that you are more willing to risk falling. I’ll teach you how to recognise when you are hooked by your emotions and how you can use the learning to help you develop further.
The 3-day Dare to Lead™ workshop can be pretty intense, but participants always find it really upbeat, inspiring and motivational. Here are a few of the things that people have said after attending the course:
“I have experienced a shift in my mindset and I am excited to change my life for the better after attending this programme.”
“I’ve really enjoyed the mixture of theory and practical things that will make a big difference and the connection and love in the room.”
“It’s been transformative. It’s incredible what can change in 72 hours in a group and space.”
If you’re interested in becoming more daring in your own life, then I can provide you with the practical tools you need to help master vulnerability and become a courageous leader.
Get in touch to find out more about my Dare to Lead™ workshops.