The Fixer

A fixer has the illusion of being causal.

A server knows he/she is being used in the service of something greater, essentially unknown.

We fix something specific.

We serve always the something: wholeness and the mystery of life.

Fixing and helping are the work of the ego.

Serving is the work of the soul.

When you help, you see life as weak.

When you fix you see life as broken.

When you serve, you see life as whole.

Fixing and helping may cure.

Service heals.

When I help, I feel satisfaction.

When I serve, I feel gratitude.

Fixing is a form of judgment.

Serving is a form of connection.

[Author unknown]

Kirsty Maynor


Kirsty Maynor is a sought-after experienced leadership and executive coach, and successful entrepreneur.

She’s received multiple awards, including the Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. She’s also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, a Professional Certified Coach and a Dare to Lead™ Certified Facilitator.

She’s dedicated her professional life to helping others grow, learn, and realise their potential. Through her business, The Firefly Group, she’s delivered cutting edge development to senior leaders of the NHS, Sky, Skyscanner, JP Morgan and Scottish Government.

...and she never believed it was possible.

She wants to teach you how to accomplish the impossible too.


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