I’ve always done work that I love
“Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
My very first job was working as a kitchen assistant, in a residential training centre where adult leaders in Girl-guiding came for weekends to grow their skills as leaders.
Sometimes they worked on their practical skills, other times the focus was more on leadership skills and capabilities. It was my job to make sure they had tasty food whilst they were there.
I loved that job because although I was only 15, I got to be away from home for entire weekends, and stay in a lovely little cottage at the back of the big house where the training took place. I liked the people I worked with and I enjoyed being in the kitchen, where I learned very quickly not to lift the knife off the chopping board every time you chop carrots, because it gives your colleagues a headache! But what I loved the most was being immersed in a creative environment where everyone was keen to learn, and supportive of one another; it was nourishing and collaborative, rather than competitive.
All of these elements were really influential on the choices I went on to make throughout my professional life. Although I only worked there every second weekend over a couple of years, the experience helped me to identify what matters to me in business. On the one hand, I was learning to make porridge and serve dinner to large groups of people. But on the other hand, I was learning how to create climates that are conducive to learning, growth and development, and listening to conversations about leadership development which formed the building blocks of the career I went on to have.
Before leaving school, I also had a job in the book department of my local WH Smith (*disclaimer: other stationers are available*), which I loved. Perhaps that was where my obsession with stationery began in earnest. One of the things I particularly enjoyed about that job was arranging the department in a way that made it a pleasant space for both staff and customers. I loved connecting people with the books they were looking for - which always brought joy - and obviously getting to handle all those wonderful books was an added bonus.
Whilst I was studying for my degree, I worked as a telephone fundraiser for the university. It was a fantastic experience because I got to connect with so many people and hear their stories.
From very early on, I’ve been lucky enough to do jobs that I loved, which I learned a lot from and which have ultimately shaped how I have worked and lived ever since. It may be true that back then I had no intention of pursuing leadership development as a career; I thought I would be manager of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which clearly didn't happen. But that’s another story.
In part 2 of this series, you can find out more about my life after university and the early years of my corporate career, and in part 3, I’ll tell you all about the beginnings of Firefly.
I’m not sure if Confucius was entirely right; even though I’m lucky to have always done work that I’m passionate about - which lines up with my values and plays to my strengths - it’s still work! But doing jobs that I love has certainly brought considerable pleasure and satisfaction along the way.